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[mac] 최대 절전 모드 (Hibernate) 본문
How to enable hibernate mode on a Mac
/Applications/Hibernate.app/Contents/ 경로로 들어가서 main.scpt 파일을 더블클릭해서 AppleScript Editor에서 연다.
do shell script “/usr/bin/pmset force -a hibernatemode 1″
ignoring application responses
tell application “System Events” to sleep
delay 5
do shell script (“/usr/bin/pmset force -a hibernatemode ” & lastMode)
end ignoring
를 다음과 같이 수정한다.
do shell script “/usr/bin/pmset force -a hibernatemode 25″ user name “{USER NAME}” password “{PASSWORD}” with administrator privileges
ignoring application responses
tell application “System Events” to sleep
delay 30
do shell script (“/usr/bin/pmset force -a hibernatemode ” & lastMode) user name “{USER NAME}” password “{PASSWORD}” with administrator privileges
end ignoring
-- -- Simple hibernate script -- (no administrative rights necessary) -- by Sven Anderson (sven AT anderson.de) -- -- partly based on "SafeSleep" by Tomis Erwin -- set lastMode to -1 set theList to every paragraph of (do shell script "pmset -g") repeat with anItem in theList if anItem contains "hibernatemode" then set lastMode to (word 2 of anItem) as number exit repeat end if end repeat if lastMode = -1 then display dialog "Hibernation is currently not enabled on this machine." buttons "OK" default button 1 cancel button 1 return end if --display dialog ("Do you want to hibernate?" & return & "(suspend-to-disk)") with icon 1 giving up after 5 do shell script "/usr/bin/pmset force -a hibernatemode 25" user name "Administrator_Account" password "PASSWORD" with administrator privileges ignoring application responses tell application "System Events" to sleep end ignoring delay 5 display dialog ("hibernatemode" & return & "(to default value)") buttons "OK" default button 1 giving up after 30 do shell script ("/usr/bin/pmset force -a hibernatemode " & lastMode) user name "Administrator_Account" password "PASSWORD" with administrator privileges # http://blog.kaputtendorf.de/2007/08/17/hibernation-tool-for-mac-os/ # do shell script "/usr/bin/pmset sleepnow" # This script was modified by Heeseok Kang to adapt to OS X 10.10 Yosemite. # http://bryan7.tistory.com/59
“standby” causes kernel power management to automatically hibernate a machine after it has slept for a specified time period. This saves power while asleep.
“standbydelay” specifies the delay, in seconds, before writing the hibernation image to disk and powering off memory for Standby.
Terminal App에서 다음을 입력한다.
sudo pmset -a hibernatemode 3 standby 1 standbydelay 600
- 0 – Legacy sleep mode. It will save everything to RAM upon sleeping but does not support “Safe Sleep”. Very fast sleep.
- 1 – Legacy “Safe Sleep”. This is the “Safe Sleep”. Everything your laptop goes into sleep, it will save everything to harddisk. Slow on Sleep and Startup.
- 3 – Default. As described above, when sleeping, contents are saved to RAM. When battery runs out, hibernate occurs.
- 5 – Behaves as 1 but applicable only for modern Mac that uses “Secure virtual memory”.
- 7 – Behaves as 3 but applicable only for modern Mac that uses “Secure virtual memory”.
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