
Brackets - Emmet 플러그인, shortcut(단축키) disable 본문


Brackets - Emmet 플러그인, shortcut(단축키) disable

브라이언7 2015. 7. 12. 07:39

Brackets - shortcut(단축키) disable

내가 Mac에서 자주 쓰는 단축키가 Brackets의 Emmet 플러그인의 단축키로 사용되고 있어서 (Shift-Cmd-Up, Shift-Cmd-Down) 불편하던 차에 Disable 시킬 수 있는 방법을 찾았다.

Debug 메뉴 > Open User Key Map 


    "documentation": "https://github.com/adobe/brackets/wiki/User-Key-Bindings",

    "overrides": {

        "Shift-Cmd-Up": null,

        "Shift-Cmd-Down": null,

        "Opt-Cmd-Up": null,

        "Opt-Cmd-Down": null,

        "Shift-Opt-Cmd-Up": null,

        "Shift-Opt-Cmd-Down": null



[참조] https://github.com/adobe/brackets/wiki/User-Key-Bindings

Brackets 홈페이지


Emmet 플러그인 

Emmet Documentation - http://docs.emmet.io/

자주 쓰는 생략 구문 - http://docs.emmet.io/cheat-sheet/



코드에서 관련된 부분을 찾아내서 줄을 맞춰주는 플러그인.

Block Comment 안에서 엔터를 칠 때 다음 줄의 맨 앞에 * 을 자동으로 넣어주는 플러그인 




Adobe Edge Reflow가 만든 html, css를 정리해 주는 플러그인이라는데, 아직 한번도 써 보지 못했다.

이 플러그인을 쓰면 Indentation 규칙을 내가 수정할 수 있을까?


Eclipse 에서처럼 paste 할때 indentation을 자동으로 맞춰주는 플러그인.

css formatter 라고 한다.

Copy name, path and directory path of a file to the clipboard.

Brackets extension for encoding files

JsHint linintg support for Brackets

brackets extension that searches through and replaces any special characters with relevant code equivalent.

This is an extension for the code editor Brackets. The extension allows you to change the font of the editor by choosing from a selection of fonts from Google Fonts.

Code-Font is an extension for the text editor Brackets that allows you to change the font of the coding window to one of ten popular Google Fonts.

A Brackets extension that pulls web page contents directly into Brackets

A Brackets extension that provides JavaScript code hinting.

Brackets extension adding a global feature : reopen the latest closed files

A Brackets plugin that strips whitespace on document save

Adds JSHint support to Brackets

CSSLint extension for Brackets

An extension for Adobe Brackets for related files support

Brackets Bookmarks Extension

String conversion extension for Adobe Brackets Editor


  • Convert to upper case
  • Convert to lower case
  • Encode HTML entities
  • Decode HTML entities
  • Convert single quotes to double quotes
  • Convert double quotes to single quotes
  • Toggle quotes (single to double, double to single)
  • Encode URI Component
  • Decode URI Component
  • Strip Trailing Whitespace : Strips all extraneous whitespace from lines. Useful for cleaning up JavaScript code that needs to pass JSLint.
  • Convert Tabs to Spaces
  • Convert Spaces to Tabs


Bracket.io extension - draws a line at a character limit.


An extension to learn how to build extensions

Brackets extension to convert tab based identation to space based identation and vice versa.

Brackets extension to quickly select an enclosing block.
