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Jupyter notebook에서 Root 디렉터리 들어가기 본문
jupyter notebook 에서 Root Directory 는 들어갈 수 없군요.
Jupyter refuses to serve hidden directory (D:\) on windows
As kinverarity advised, any attempt to use the root folder directly will say that it's refusing to serve a hidden directory. If you absolutely must serve from the root folder (but can change how you try to run it), then what you will need to do is to create a symlink folder pointing to the root, so you run it from what it thinks is a folder but it serves files from the root. The following command creates a notebooks symlink:
mklink /D notebooks \
cd into the symlink folder and run jupyter and the error goes away but it's still serving the files from root.
I should point out that you want to make sure you don't have any processes that iterate recursively over all folders on the drive (unless they skip symlinks), otherwise they'll iterate into the notebooks folder, its notebooks folder, etc, and will never complete because it'll get stuck in a loop.
위 웹페이지에서 알려준대로 명령 프롬프트를 관리자 권한으로 실행해서 D:\python 디렉터리 들어가서
mklink /D notebooks \
해주고, 쥬피터 띄워서 notebooks 폴더 안으로 들어가면 root 폴더로 들어갈 수 있습니다.
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